耶鲁安(Jeroen van de Weijer),荷兰籍,澳门新甫京娱乐娱城平台特聘教授。1989 年毕业于荷兰内梅亨大学荣誉学士学位,硕士就读于英国伦敦大学,并于1994年从莱顿大学获得语言学博士学位。 在莱顿大学执教十多年,是荷兰皇室高级研究院成员。 耶鲁安创建了莱顿大学语言学学术研究型硕士班,吸引了众多国内外学生前来求学,为莱顿大学的语言学专业做出了突出贡献。
2009年9月,耶鲁安受聘于上海外国语大学,任语言学教授, 2010年初,耶鲁安获得由上海市教委颁发的“东方学者”荣誉证书,获得特聘教授称号,并在2010年夏由上海外国语大学推举为博士生导师。2011年9月被华东师范大学特聘为思勉原创奖专家评审会评委。2013年被上海市政府授予白玉兰奖。
耶鲁安教授著述丰富,发表的著作涉及优选论、日语语言学、荷兰语语言学、中国语言学等诸多领域;编著了《优选论:音系、句法和习得》(2000年,牛津大学出版社)等22本语言学著作,出版于Mouton de Gruyter、John Benjamins等国际权威出版社;发表了35篇同行评审文章,在Lingua,Acta Linguistica、Linguistics以及Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, The Linguistic Review等一流学术期刊发表;受邀在29本语言学著作中撰写相关章节,其中2001年至2010年连续十年为牛津大学出版社的权威刊物The Year’s Work in English Studies撰稿;23次被邀请在国际性学术会议上作演讲嘉宾。他与欧美和亚洲各国(中国、日本和韩国)的语言学家均保持着长期而深入的合作。在过去的五年里、发表文章的被引用次数达到1000多次。
2020. Gender identification in Chinese names. Lingua (SSCI). doi: 10.1016/j.lingua.2019.102759
2020. Words are constructions, too: A construction-based approach to ablaut reduplication in English”. Linguistics (SSCI), doi: 10.1515/ling-2020-0169
2019. “Where now with Optimality Theory?” Acta Linguistica Academica (SSCI), doi: 10.1556/2062.2019.66.1.5
2019. “Vowel reduction in English -man compounds”. The Linguistic Review (SSCI), doi: 10.1515/tlr-2019-2040
2000. Optimality Theory: Phonology, Syntax, and Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press (co-editor), ISBN 0198238444
Jeroen van de Weijer:
- September 1977 – September 1983; Middle school, Holland
- September 1983 – September 1984, Highschool, USA
- September 1984 – January 1989, Nijmegen University, Holland (English)
- Sept. 1987 to July 1988, University College London (Linguistics)
- February 1990 – May 1994, Leiden University, PhD Linguistics
- March 1989 – December 1989, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, research assistant
- May 1994 – September 2009, Lecturer, Leiden University, Department of Linguistics; Department of English
- September 2009 – July 2018, Full Professor, Shanghai International Studies University
- July 2018 – current, Distinguished Professor, English linguistics
Projects, awards:
- Oriental Scholar, 2009-2013, Shanghai
- PI, Project reduplication, SISU
Editorships, etc.:
- Editor, Cogenta Arts & Humanities
- Editorial Board, Linguistics in the Netherlands
- Editorial Board, Acta Linguistica Academica (SSCI)
Publications (recent)
2017 Ed.: Encyclopaedia of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Beijing: Peking University Press. Pp. 1568. With Mei Deming (editor-in-chief), Liu Jinfeng, Qi Xiaowen, Li Jian’er, Li Jingna, Li Rui, Wu Liying, Tong Helong, Chen Jie, Jiang Zhanhao and Gao Wencheng.
2019 – Nominalization and relativization in Tujia: A cross-linguistic perspective. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 41.1 (accepted). With Lu Man and Liu Zhengguang.
¬– Két reduplikációs folyamat a szaraiki nyelvben [Two reduplication processes in the Saraiki language]. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics] (accepted). With Firdos Atta.
2018 – A perception-based OT approach to opacity in Mandarin Chinese nasal rhymes. In Martha Young-Scholten, William van der Wurff & Gretchen Guo (eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL-1). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars (accepted). With Luo Mingqiong and Marjoleine Sloos.
– * Consonant-vowel interaction in Sichuan Chinese: An element-based analysis. Lingua 212, 1-9. With Chen Shunting.
– * Calculating a pattern’s competitive strength: Competition between /æ/ and /ʌ/ in irregular simple pasts and past participles in English. The Mental Lexicon 13.1, 144-158. With Eric Hoekstra, Anne Merkuur and Marjoleine Sloos.
– Degrees of complexity in phonological segments. In Roger Böhm and Harry van der Hulst (eds.), Substance-Based Grammar: The (Ongoing) Work of John Anderson (Studies in Language Companion Series 204), 391-436. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. With Harry van der Hulst.
– Dependency Phonology. In S. J. Hannahs and Anna R. K. Bosch (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory, 325-359. London: Routledge. With Harry van der Hulst.
2017 – * Emergent phonological constraints: The acquisition of *COMPLEX in English. Acta Linguistica Academica 64.1, 153-165.
– The status of *COMPLEX in Greek. In Thanasis Georgakopoulos et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Greek Linguistics, vol. 2, 1259-74. Berlin: Edition Romiosini & Center for Modern Greece. With Marina Tzakosta.
PhD students (recent):
• Zhang Yuan 张苑: Effects of Speech Rate on the Acoustic Correlates of Speech Rhythm: Evidence from British English, Shanghai Wu and Shanghai-Accented English. Shanghai International Studies University. PhD defence date: May 15, 2018. Shanghai International Studies University.
• Ran Yunyun 冉云云: A Comparative Study on the Intonation of English Produced by Beijing and Guangzhou Learners. Shanghai International Studies University. PhD defence date: May 15, 2018. Shanghai International Studies University.
• Wu Minghui 吴明会: The Role of Linguistic Experience in the Speech Perception of Non-Native Sounds: The Perception of English Speech Contrasts by L3 Learners in Chinese Multilingual Contexts. PhD defence date: May 25, 2016. Shanghai International Studies University.
• Luo Mingqiong 骆明琼: Chinese Syllable Structure: An X-bar Approach. PhD defence date: May 26, 2014. Shanghai International Studies University.
• Marjoleine Sloos: Phonological Grammar and Frequency: An Integrated Approach. Evidence from German, Indonesian and Japanese. PhD defence date: February 28, 2013, University of Groningen (Netherlands).
Courses taught
1. Shenzhen University; MA programme (2018-present)
– The Nature and Nurture of Language (Introduction to Linguistics), MA programme 2018-2019
– Introduction to Linguistics, BA programme 2018-2019
2. Shanghai International Studies University; MA and PhD programme, 2009-2018)
– Introduction to Phonology
– Phonetics
– Morphology
– Psycholinguistics
– Advanced Phonology
– Optimality Theory and Beyond
开设课程:Linguistics, especially phonology, phonetics, morphology, psycholinguistics, general cognition